Novinky z "Vejminku" / News from "z Vejminku"


2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003

Rok 2003

Omega z Vejminku
Omega z Vejminku (CH. Extra Boy z Vejminku x JCH. Jozelah Words and Music) at the age of nine months.

Queen of G. Fantasies z Vejminku & Queen of G. Spirit z Vejminku
Queen of G. Fantasies z Vejminku & Queen of G. Spirit z Vejminku, both owned by Mrs D. Winter in Germany were DNA tested for PRA in USA !!!
DNA Test Report  November 21, 2003
Test Results: Pattern/Genotype A1
Risk for developing prcd form of PRA:  Pattern A1 dogs are statistically normal for prcd-PRA and are not expected to develop this disease or pass it to offspring.  No known Pattern A1 dog has developed prcd-PRA or produced prcd-PRA-affected offspring, and no known prcd-PRA-affected dog has tested Pattern A1.  There is a low theoretical chance that a Pattern A1 dog could have a false negative result and therefore be a carrier (risk is less than 0.5%) or even be affected (risk is less than 0.0025%).  But, false negative results have not yet been observed with the current OptiGen test.  So far, the only PRA disease known in this breed is the prcd form of PRA. Significance for breeding: Pattern A1 dogs can be bred to any dog and, with at least 99.5% confidence, will not produce pups affected by the prcd form of PRA.
Many thanks Dorothea !!!

Ch. Gemma z Vejminku
15.11.2003 - Ch. Gemma z Vejminku was mated by ICH.Ch. Quettadene Once More. Puppies in black and black & tan will be available on March 2004.

CH. Martin z Vejminku, owned by Mrs Dorota Ratuszna in Polen won his class and than RES.CACIB under Mr Nils Molin (Sweden) at CACIB Show in Poznan 9.11.2003. Congratulations !

Sam z Vejminku
01.11.2003 Samwise Gamdschie z Vejminku (ICH Quettadene Once More x Etna z Vejminku) went to Abbadon´s kennel owned by my dear friend Mrs Dorothea Winter in Germany. Good luck Sam!!!


Inspector Liz z Vejminku
25.10.2003 Happy day for my kennel. My golden girl Jozelah Words and Music was third in her class. My old boy ICH Quettadene Once More won veteran dog. My black bitch Inspector Liz z Vejminku won open bitch, than CLUB WINNER 2003 and B.O.B.!!! under Mr Bob Jackson from England. 139 cockers were entered !!!

Rozinka z Vejminku
15.10.2003 Rozinka z Vejminku (ICH Quettadene Once More x Amanda z Vejminku) owned by Mrs D. Marouskova at the age of four months. The photo is after first trimming.

13.10.2003 The black and tan boy at six weeks. He is by ICH Quettadene Once More x Etna z Vejminku. One and only undocked, he will be exported to EU.

Olympia z Vejminku
12.10.2003 Olympia z Vejminku who is the litter sister of my Omega looks very nice.

JunCh CZ, Ch CZ Gemma z Vejminku
11.10.2003 JunCh CZ, Ch CZ Gemma z Vejminku received another CACIB in Ceske Budejovice. Congratulations !!!

Marcato z Vejminku
05.10.2003 Marcato z Vejminku has completed the working test with II. price. Well done !!!

Odeon z Vejminku
Leo´s ( Odeon z Vejminku ) new photos at the age of 6 months. Leo is owned by Mrs Maja Horvat in Croatia and his show career started in Slovenia with the result ,, very promising". Congratulations Maja. 

JunCh Jozelah Words and Music
14.09.2003 Fleur´s (Jozelah Words and Music) photos at the Club Winner Show in Kecskemet are here. Fleur was shown in hot open class under Mrs Ann Webster as ,,excellent III". It was very nice weekend for me.

06.09.2003 Great day for my kennel !!! At the CACIB show in Mlada Boleslav won Marcato z Vejminku intermediate dog with CAC, CH. Black Dream z Vejminku won res. CACIB dog and his daughter CH. Gemma z Vejminku CACIB bitch under the judge Mr Dr L. Svatos. I am proud of them.

01.09.2003 New puppies are born on 01.09. by ICH Quettadene Once More x Etna z Vejminku.
There are 9 !!! Four black girls, four black boys and one B/T boy. Puppies and mum are OK.


19.08.2003 William's (ICH Quettadene Once More) promising black and tan son Argo z Karpentne won his third CACIB (Bratislava-SK) under the judge Mr. Dr Vantu. Congratulations!!!

16.08.2003 Queen Bee z Vejminku (Charbonnel Gold Dust x Darling z Vejminku) went to Netherlands to Mr.R.& Mrs. A. VAN DER LINDEN. Good luck little Susan !!!

15.08.2003 Odeon z Vejminku - pet name LEO (Ch. Extra Boy z Vejminku x JCh. Jozelah Words and Music) owned by Mrs Maja Horvat looks very promising. I am very proud of him. Photo at five months.

03.08.2003 - My sweet little girls Queen of Golden Fantasies & Queen of Golden Spirit (Charbonnel Gold Dust x Darling z Vejminku) went to Germany, (Abbadon´s kennel) owned and loved by Mrs Dorothea Winter. Good luck !! 

03.08.2003 - Marco z Vejminku (Charbonnel Gold Dust x Etna z Vejminku) owned by Mr. R.Ciganek and groomed by Mrs Ivana Ruzickova looks very nice. Photo at 14 months

15.7.2003 New photos R - litter at five weeks.

15.7.2003 New photos Q - litter at five weeks.

Olympic z Vejminku went to Switzerland (de Syringa kennel, owned by Mrs Catherine Thomas) At the photo with his ,,handler,, Miss Marketa. Good Luck !!!

Odeon z Vejminku went to Croatia (Black Lord´s kennel) At the photo with new owner Mrs Maja Horvat. Good luck !!!

Omega z Vejminku, my sweet little black star will be waiting in my kennel. Photo at 3,5 moths.

28.06.2003 William´s (ICH Quettadene Once More) black and tan son Argo z Karpentne won CACIB & BOB at the Show in Brno this weekend. Congratulations !!!

14.06.2003 CACIB Show in Prague. Great day for my kennel. Gemma z Vejminku, owned by Miss L. Kucerova received CACIB & BOB. ICH Quettadene Once More - William at the age of eight ( 8 !!! ) years received res. CACIB. His grand son got CACIB. Many of William´s offsprings won their classes. I am proud of all them. They were judged by Mr John Gillespie - UK.

05.06.2003 New puppies are born. (R - litter). Four black boys, one black girl and one B/T girl. They are by ICH Quettadene Once More x Amanda z Vejminku (Uragan z Vejminku x Xera z Vejminku). Amanda is owned by Mr.& Mrs. Simko from Prague.

10.06.2003 - New photos. P - litter at three months old.

10.06.2003 - New photos. O - litter

27.05.2003 - New Puppies are borned !!!  Q-litter by Charbonnel Gold Dust x Darling z Vejminku.Two golden girls, one black girl and one black boy are very promising.

24.05.2003 - Inspector Sam z Vejminku - owned and loved by Mrs Dorota Ratuszna won her 9 th CACIB in Leszno 2003. I am very proud of her. Congratulations Dorota!!!

24.05.2003 - Black Dream z Vejminku won CACIB in Litomerice. Congratulations Ivana !!!

10.05.2003 - Gemma z Vejminku was awarded as Best Cocker Bitch at The Special Show in Zubri under Mr Frank Whyte(UK). Congratulations Lenka !!!

Nové foto - O - vrh. 2 zlatí psi, 1 zlatá fenka, 3 černé fenky ve věku 9 týdnů (Ch. Extra Boy z Vejminku x JCh. Jozelah Words and Music)
News foto - O - litter. Twoo golden boys, one golden girl and tree black girls - 9 weeks old by Ch.Extra Boy z Vejminku x JCh. Jozelah Words and Music

Marcato z Vejminku na své první výstavě v Českých Budějovicích
Marcato z Vejminku na své první výstavě v Českých Budějovicích vyhrál svou třídu s titulem CAJC a byl vybrán jako nejlepší mladý kokr.
Marcato z Vejminku won his class at his first CACIB Show under Mr P. Studeník and he was awarded the Best Young Cocker.
foto: M.Březinová


Nová fota štěňátek Líza (Inspector Liz z Vejminku) z vrhu "P" - z Vejminku.

Nová fota štěňátek Fleur (Jozelah Words and Music) z vrhu "O" - z Vejminku.

24.03. 2003 Líza (Inspector Liz z Vejminku) porodila 4 štěňata, 3 černé kluky a 1 zlatou holku. Všichni jsou zdraví. 

JunChamp. Jozelah Words and Music - Šťastná mamina
15.3.2003 se ze spojení Champ. Extra Boy z Vejminku a JunChamp. CACIB Jozelah Words and Music narodilo 6 štěňat. 3 černé holky, 2 zlatí kluci a 1 zlatá holka. Všichni jsou v pořádku.

Nicolas a Nobody z Vejminku
Nové foto Nicolas a Nobody z Vejminku
New photograph Nicolas a Nobody z Vejminku

Marcato z Vejminku (Marek)
Nové foto Marcato z Vejminku (Marek)
New photograph Marcato z Vejminku (Marek)

JunChamp. Jozelah Words and Music - photo Anna Maria Labecka (PL)
Nové foto Jun Champ. Jozelah Words and Music  (Fleur).
New photograph Jun Champ. Jozelah Words and Music  (Fleur).

Inspektor Liz z Vejminku
19.1.2003 byla kryta Inspektor Liz z Vejminku psem  Champ. Extra Boy z Vejminku a moc jim to slušelo. 
On January 19, 2003, Inspektor Liz z Vejminku was mated with Champ. Extra Boy z Vejminku and it was a nice pair.

9.1.2003 byla poprvé kryta JunChamp. CACIB Jozelah Words and Music psem Champ. Extra Boy z Vejminku a musím konstatovat, že jim to šlo docela dobře.
On January 9, 2003, Jun.Champ. CACIB Jozelah Words and Music was mated for the first time with Champ. Extra Boy z Vejminku and I must say they did quite well.

2.11.2002 - CACIB Show Poznan (PL)  Inspector Sam z Vejminku ve velké konkurenci (51 ECS) zvítězila a odnesla si tituly CWC, CACIB, B.O.B., res. B.I.G. Šťastnou majitelkou je p. Dorota Ratuszna - PL . Congratulations Dorota !! (foto: A. Podgorski)
On November 2, 2002, Inspector Sam z Vejminku won at the CACIB Show in Poznan (PL), in the face of great competition (51 ECS), and gained the titles CWC, CACIB, B.O.B., res. B.I.G. The happy owner is Ms. Dorota Ratuszna from Poland. Congratulations, Dorota!! (photo: A. Podgorski)