History kennel "z Vejminku"

    It was in 1971 when I received my first little black cocker from my parents. When he died tragically under the wheels of a motorcycle in 1978, my desire for cockers grew so strong that in 1980 I went to see Mrs Antonovicova at Luhacovice and bough my first bitch, black Sofi z Male Kamenne. I am grateful to Mrs Antonovicova for her help in my beginner’s years. In 1983 I mated my Sofi with her grandfather ICH Uscho v.d. Birke, who was the grandson of Quettadene Mark. This mating was very successful, the litter was of quite modern type for that time. Of this litter, CH. Alan z Vejminku and Alba z Vejminku were used for breeding and  I kept CH. Afrodite z Vejminku for my own breeding. 

    In 1985 I met Mr. Rodenbusch, a leading breeder in  Germany, from whom I received much valuable advice. In 1987 I imported from him golden Aro´s Golden Double. This dog has very good qualities and even with his handicap ( he was nervous in new environment) he was my first Interchampion, 5 times CACIB etc. and gave me plenty of very good offspring. In 1988 I imported a black dog  Aro´s Newsprint of fantastic English bloodline, who did not achieve such show success as Double, but his daughter Xera z Vejminku is the mother of many cockers of very good quality. Later I brought golden Aro´s Martin, who has a fantastic pedigree, but his offspring has not influenced significantly breeding in our country.

    In 1990 I mated Afrodite with black  ICH Lochranza Certain Style in Budapest. This dog comes from the kennel that was writing history all over the world and was without competition for many years. From the mating Afrodite z Vejminku with Lochranza Certain Style I kept for breeding a golden dog Porgy z Vejminku (Champion, 2 times CACIB, 2 times Club Winner in 92 and 93, twice Cocker of the Year - in 92 and 93) and a black bitch Pusy z Vejminku ( Champion, CACIB). Pusy was especially successful for breeding  and is the mother of excellent Xera and CACIB Darling z Vejminku. CH.CACIB Philip z Vejminku was very successful in Poland and influenced considerably breeding in that country.

   In summer 1993 I visited wíth my friends the cradle of the English Cocker - England. The prestigious Championship Show of the Cocker Club held in Malvern with 350 Cockers in two rings was a spectacle I will never forget.  Maybe it was a chance or destiny, but I managed to buy a three and half years old bitch of excellent bloodline Quettadene. Her name was Manuchi Sweet Little Valentin (Quettadene Memento x Manuchi Black As Ebony). She was mated a fortnight before with a golden dog Atkia Trestan (SH,CH.Chataway The News Editor x Atkia Josephine). From this litter I kept a black dog CH. Extra Boy z Vejminku and a black and tan bitch Extra Music z Vejminku. The black dog Extra Fellow z Vejminku went to Poland to the breeding station Hanga, became Champ., CACIB and was successfuly used for breeding after Philip z Vejminku. Extra Boy together with Pusy, Jessie and Xera gave a succession of quality puppies. 

    Breeding of chocolate brown cockers in my kennel is worth mentioning. In 1986, a brown bitch Elena z Vejminku was born from  mating Largo z Male Kamenne with Sofi z Male Kamenne, and went to West Germany. In 1994 I bought her great granddaughter D.C.´s Tasha v. Buchenberg. She always gave me chocolate brown puppies with my dogs bloodline from Vejminek, or she carried this colour in her genes. Plenty of her puppies are successful in breeding. 

    And now back to England. I met Mrs Penny Lester, a very successful breeder and well-known judge whose breeding had a great influence on world breeding and, while visiting the prestigious Cruft 96, I bought a black dog Quettadene Once More (William). This dog, very typical for English breeding, was very successful at shows, especially with English judges. At the age of seven he is in very good condition and gives numerous offspring of his type. On both sides he has the blood of the legendary Sh.Ch. Quettadene Emblem.

    In 1996 I bought a golden dog Like Your Style of Black Mirage from Dr. Jakkel in Budapest. This dog comes from the line Lochranza. From mating Extra Music z Vejminku with this dog I kept a golden bitch with good prospects - Etna z Vejminku, and from mating Pusy z Vejminku with this dog I kept a black CACIB Darling z Vejminku.

   In 1998 I mated my Extra Music z Vejminku with 10 times CACIB ICH and Champion of many countries - Asquanne´s Greeves. (Lochranza Black Peppermill x SH.CH. Asquanne´s Giorgio). From this mating I kept a black dog,  Jun. Champ. of ÈR, 4 times CACIB, Club winner 2000- Black Dream z Vejminku. His daughter Gemma z Vejminku is a very promising young bitch. His brother - CH.CACIB Black Diamond z Vejminku is very successful in Poland.

   After visiting a club exhibition in Malvern, England in 1999 I bought golden Charbonnel Gold Dust. It is a dog of excellent bloodline - but I do not dare to assess his influence on breeding yet.

    In Malvern I saw for the first time  SH.CH. Jozelah Short Story (Sophie), whom I knew only from photographs. I admired her long neck with her excellent frontline. On the whole, it is a very attractive bitch of excellent type, very successful at shows. Her owner is Mrs. Linda Robinson, whom I met a couple of years ago in Germany. I was very happy that Sophie was mated with Quettadene Footsteps, the son of Sh.Ch. Canigou Cambrai, whom I had the chance to see  at Cruft 96 where he was victorious and became the Best in Show. Then I bought a golden bitch Jozelah Words and Music in March 2001. Linda kept her sister.

   In summer 2001 I mated Etna z Vejminku  with a golden dog Quettadene Wild Oats (Quettadene Footsteps x Quettadene Solinda) in Yugoslavia, who was already successful at shows in England. He is a young dog and this mating was his first on the Continent. Only time will show if this was the right choice. Their daughters Lotty z Vejminku in Switzerland and Lucia z Vejminku in Poland seem very promising.

   Today I have 8 cockers in my kennel. I have bred more or less successfully 53 litters of cockers. I have taken advantage of 14 mating opportunities abroad and have imported 9 English Cockers ( four from England, four from Germany and one from Hungary).

 This is the story of my life with cockers - twenty years of joy and disappointment, victories and defeats.

One thing I know for sure - I would not change anything. 

Pavel Šulcek - summer 2002