Iron Man z Vejminku
Iron Man z Vejminku

* 31.12.2006 HD 1/1 (B/B)
08.09.2007 Club Winner Show  Warszawa PL Mrs Penny Lester (GB) Very promising I., Best Puppy (6-9)
06.10.2007 CACIB Show Ceske Budejovice CZ Mrs Dana Smrzova (CZ) Excel.I., CAJC, Best junior boy of FCI Gr. VIII. and later Third best junior boy at show
04.11.2007 Club Winner Show Nitra SK Mr John Gillespie (GB) Excel. I., CAJC
12.01.2008 CAC Show  Olomouc CZ Miss Dr. J. Bendova (CZ) Excel. III.
27.01.2008 CACIB Show  Trencin SK Mr M. Stanovsky (SK) Excel. III.
31.05.2008 Club Winner Show Konopiste CZ Mrs Sue Young, UK Exc. I., CAJC
28.06.2008 CACIB Show Brno CZ Mrs Dana Smrzova (CZ) Excel.I., CAC, CACIB
16.08.2008 CACIB Show Bratislava SK Mrs Viera Vitkova (SK) Exc. II. res CAC
17.08.2008 CACIB Show Bratislava SK Mr dr Tamas Jakkel (H) Exc. II. res CAC
30.08.2008 CACIB Show Mlada Boleslav CZ Mrs Dana Smrzova (CZ) Exc.I., CAC, res CACIB
07.09.2008 Special Show Brno CZ Mr David Shields (UK) Exc.II., res CAC



Port. Ch. Grassland Ghost (golden), HD A

Ch.E. Grassland Lancelot

Ch. E. Grassland Scentless Apprentice

Grassland Nothing Doing Overcome
Grassland Gipsy Girl
Grassland Irish Cofee Ch. E. Grassland Royal Gold
Grassland Love Me Love

Grassland  Voyager

Snobissimo´s Arshof ICH Northworth Clap Trap
Port. Ch. Widow
Grassland Prince And Power Generation Ch. E. Grassland Royal Gold
Grassland Emblem

Ch. Jun.CZ, CACIB Jozelah Words And Music (golden), HD B/C

Quettadene Footsteps (black)

SH.CH. Canigou Cambrai BIS Cruft 1996 (black) SH.CH. Cleavehill Pot Of Gold
Crankwood Miss Happy
Quettadene Melissa SH.CH. Perrytree The Dreamer
Quettadene Serena With Amberway

SH.CH. Jozelah Short Story (golden)

Olanza Peace Envoy to Jozelah (black) Cilleine Savamark Of Broomleaf
Olanza Picture Star Of Datona
Jozelah Enchanting Dream (black) SH.CH. Olanza Prince Of Dreams
Annashonn Moondancer At Jozelah


Special Show Brno 7.9.2008 - Iron Man z Vejminku     Exc.II., res CAC


CACIB Show 30.8.2008 Mlada Boleslav - Iron Man z Vejminku - Exc.I., CAC, res CACIB


CACIB Show Brno 2008 - Ch Briketka z Vejminku - Excel. I., CAC, CACIB, BOB and Iron Man z Vejminku - Excel. I., CAC, CACIB


Club Winner Show Konopiste 2008 - Iron Man z Vejminku - Exc. I., CAJC


.....nice to meet you, my dad...........Ch. Grassland Ghost (right) & Iron Man z Vejminku (left)


Iron Man z Vejminku - CACIB Show Trencin - Slovakia under ing M. Stanovsky (SK) - Excel. III.


Iron Man z Vejminku - CACIB Show Trencin - Slovakia under ing M. Stanovsky (SK) - Excel. III.


National Show Olomouc 2008 - Iron Man z Vejminku - Excel. III.


Iron Man z Vejminku


Iron Man z Vejminku


Iron Man z Vejminku


Iron Man z Vejminku


Club Winner Show Warszawa on  8th of September 2007 under famous Mrs Penny Lester (GB) -  Iron Man z Vejminku : Very promising I., Best Puppy (6-9)


Club Winner Show Warszawa on  8th of September 2007 under famous Mrs Penny Lester (GB) -  Iron Man z Vejminku : Very promising I., Best Puppy (6-9)


Club Winner Show Warszawa on  8th of September 2007 under famous Mrs Penny Lester (GB) -  Iron Man z Vejminku : Very promising I., Best Puppy (6-9)


Club Winner Show Warszawa on  8th of September 2007 under famous Mrs Penny Lester (GB) -  Iron Man z Vejminku : Very promising I., Best Puppy (6-9)


Iron Man z Vejminku at his 7 months


Iron Man z Vejminku at his 7 months


Iron Man z Vejminku at his 7 months


Iron Man z Vejminku at the age of 5,5 months


Iron Man z Vejminku at the age of 5,5 months


Iron Man z Vejminku at the age of 5,5 months


Iron Man z Vejminku at the age of 5,5 months


Iron Man z Vejminku at the age of 5,5 months


Iron Man z Vejminku at the age of 5,5 months


Iron Man z Vejminku at the age of 5,5 months


Iron Man z Vejminku (Little Frosty) at the age of four monts.


Iron Man z Vejminku (Little Frosty) at the age of four monts.


Iron Man z Vejminku (Little Frosty) at the age of four monts.


Iron Man z Vejminku (Little Frosty) at the age of four monts.


Iron Man z Vejminku (Little Frosty) at the age of four monts.


Iron Man z Vejminku (Little Frosty) at the age of four monts.


Iron Man z Vejminku (Little Frosty) at the age of four monts.


Iron Man z Vejminku (Little Frosty) at the age of four monts.


Iron Man z Vejminku (Little Frosty) at the age of four monts.


Iron Man z Vejminku at the age of ten weeks. Iron Man z Vejminku at the age of ten weeks.


Iron Man z Vejminku - Photo at his five weeks


Iron Man z Vejminku - Photo at his five weeks


Iron Man z Vejminku - Photo at his five weeks